I attended Legacy ECHS in Taylor, Texas. I was enrolled in dual credit courses and graduated with an associate’s degree from Temple College in May 2019. I was 17 years old when I graduated. Then, I studied at UT Dallas, and received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in December 2022.
While at UT Dallas, I enrolled in several courses that helped me develop my skills as a software engineer, including the following:
- Linear Algebra
- Discrete Mathematics
- Algorithm Analysis and Data Structures
- Computer and Network Security
- Computer Networks
- Automata Theory
- Artificial Intelligence
- Digital Forensics
I thoroughly enjoyed these courses; they're the cornerstone of my career. Computer Science is the field that combines applied mathematics and creativity to solve problems, and I love it. I love the challenge of solving problems, and I love the satisfaction of having a clever working solution expressed in code.
Team development experience
Along with my coursework, I took advantage of other opportunities to work on team projects. In , I participated in the HackUTD VIII hackathon, where I collaborated with a team of four to create a full-stack web application prototype that monitors the congestion of people at busy areas at the university. The prototype, named UTD Singularity, was completed successfully in under 24 hours (source code).
I also participated in a game jam in , where I partnered with a group of six to create a story-driven platformer using the Unity engine. My diverse skills enabled me to contribute to player and enemy programming, UI, animation & level design, and music composition. The game, named Drawn to Reality, was ~~completed successfully~~ in under one week.
Professional experience
During , I was invited to the Accelerate with Adobe Career Readiness Program, where I sharpened my skills through workshops, résumé building, mock interviews, and presentations from Adobe leadership. Out of over a hundred participants, I was one of four to receive internship offers.
I interned with Adobe over the summers of 2021 (remotely) and 2022 (hybrid), working as a Software Engineer Intern on the Adobe Commerce team.
I accepted my first full-time offer from Adobe in mid-2022, and I've been working for Adobe since January of 2023.